Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Where do I begin?

I have a lot to say, and I want to write a lot, so you may find multiple posts in the same day. I like to try and keep them short so as to not bore whatever reader audience I may have.

I was married to my wife for 6 years, we were together for a total of 7. We met at an online dating website and from my end sparks flew, from hers I was an annoyance! In July of 2003 my wife was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). You know it as the leukemia children usually have. It came as quite a shock to us, she had been so healthy. We battled this side-by-side for many years, experiencing relapses and remissions.

In May of 2007 she recieved an all important bone marrow transplant. In September while recovering she became increasingly ill, tired, short of breath. The doctors determined that the peracardium (sack surrounding your heart) was filling with fluid causing fluid to back into her lungs. They decided to admit her, and drain the fluid.

Over the next several days they would drain close to 3 liters of fluid from around her heart, but the damage was already done. She had developed pneumonia, fueled by e-coli it went septic and her body responded by shutting itself down and going into shock.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) developed and her lungs hardened and stiffened and she could not breath on her own. She was on life support, she stayed on it for 4 weeks until her body quit, and I gave the doctors the orders to stop her medications. Minutes later her heart would fail, and she would be gone.

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