Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Reaching Out

I am accomplishing nothing today. I have spent most of my morning reading the blog of "A Young Widower" it's helping me sort a few things out for myself.

I used to be a real loner, hated spending time with people, didn't like to share my life. Alot has changed over the past 20 years for me, I'm a different man, a new man. I realize that it's impossible to go through this life and not share it. If you're not sharing your life then you must not be living one at all. This man who wrote the blog I read is sharing his life with the world, and years after he wrote this it's still helping people cope, deal, and relate.

I like sharing my life, because I like living.

I think about what I'm doing with my life, when I die what will men say about me? My wife's funeral was packed with people, we nearly filled the entire church, front to back, top to bottom. It was on a Thursday morning/afternoon I was surprised at how many came. She was buried 30 min away from our church at a cemetary where we lived. The funeral procession was quite long, cars kept filing into the cemetary. She left a great legacy and touched the lives of so many people. If I died today, what kind of legacy would I leave behind?

I like to write, my writing skills lack form, composition, and a clear narrative but none the less I enjoy writing. I like to make an attempt at capturing a readers imagination, entering their world, painting a picture on a blank canvas and touching the soul. I've always wanted to be a creative person, have some form of creative skill whether it was writing, music, art.... something. I have two book ideas, one about building companies, another about my wife's life. I have several children's books too that I have outlined and begun writing. A goal of mine is to launch a small independent children's book publishing company... it's called MonkeyBoy Books...... in honor of my son and his fascination with books.

I want to leave a legacy of greatness and excellence, to be remembered and impact the lives of many.

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