Friday, November 30, 2007

When the Loneliness Creeps In Pt. 2

This is a continuation from the previous post.

To recap, I've felt alone for probably 7 months now even though I was married. My late wife was in a coma for 4 weeks before she passed, I never got to talk with her, she never could talk back to me. My son is almost 300 miles away from me, I see him for less then 48 hours every 2 weeks. Then there is her.

Her is a friend of mine... well she's supposed to be my friend, but tell that to my heart. Since I don't use names, and I call myself YW (Young Widower) I'm going to call her "Songstress" since I don't want to refer to her as "Her".

I've known Songstress for probably 4 years now. We weren't ever very close, but it wasn't like we were total strangers either. She's the woman I ended up on a date with, I don't want to go into detail about how or why, at least not now. It's funny the way I feel about her, I wonder often if I'm just completely crazy (chances are I'm at least slightly crazy). I know that nothing can transpire now, and maybe not for awhile. I felt the same way about my late wife when I met her, and that scares me. I kept trying to push away my late wife for fear of hurting her, or maybe it was for fear of me getting hurt, not quite sure because I never sought a therapist. Me and Songstress talk..... alot. We talk until the wee hours in the morning, go to work and I unload on her e-mail inbox with random thoughts that come to my head. You see it's nice to have some one who is healthy to talk to. My wife wasn't, I was afraid she'd worried or try to do too much if I told her everything that was going on with me. I was afraid that it would impede on her recovery and add more stress to her life. Songstress however is cancer-free, and is a terrific listener. She reminds me alot of my late wife, many similar qualities and characteristics, that makes things so much harder for me.

See I've waited for 4 years to get my wife back, but she passed on. I waited so long to live a normal life and to have someone who could recieve me and I didn't have to hold back with. Unfortunately as I've stated before I have to hold back.... and because of that I'm finding myself getting closed off. It's been an emotional week for me. The stress of getting my truck fixed and the bill that followed. Leaving my son again, realizing I'm not as good off as I thought I was. Now it's nearly December and Christmas is around the corner. A snow storm is set to hit where I live, a perfect opportunity to stay in bed where it's warm. To drink hot cocoa by the fireplace and watch the snow fill my pond. I had invited Songstress over to see my pond (not a metaphor, I have a drainage pond in my backyard that attracts various water fowl and wildlife. It's the home to a family of muskrats) we were going to watch a movie and maybe play games, but I don't want to drag her into the mess that I am right now. Speaking of fireplaces, did I tell you about my mantle? It was once home to many pictures of my wife and me, now only a few remain. I also pitched her meds, and put away some of her things. I figured that the house didn't need to be a monument to her, because if I kept it that way I'd never move on. It was hard gathering all those pictures, some remain, maybe two of us and three of her and my son. The candle that honored and burned at her funeral sits up there, but that's it. I need to make room for more memories, and more pictures but doing that last night was hard, necessary but hard.

I thought the emotional rollercoaster would end with the passing of my wife, but I was wrong, I just got on a different ride. I know that things will improve over time, that maybe just maybe I can find happiness with Songstress, or at least find a way to be her friend. I know that this week has been a rough week, and things will be better. They say time is the best healer, but I grow impatient I've waited a long time I don't want to wait anymore.

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