Friday, November 23, 2007

So Far So Good

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and I managed to make it through. Actually I didn't just manage I actually blew it's doors off. I didn't shed a single tear, I almost did though when I called my parents to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving (I'm headed out there today) and they put my son on the phone, and before I could say 'hello' he hung up on me! Talk about a blow to the Daddy Ego!

I'm having some well let's just say "interesting" developments in my life..... none of which I want to share with anyone right now. Check back in a few weeks or months and I'll elobarate on them.

As I stated I am heading out to my parents for Thanksgiving today after work (the company believes that it's workers only need 6 paid holidays a year). I have been missing my boy ever since I strapped him into my parents car and watched them drive off nearly 2 weeks ago.

I'm heading into what might be the hardest 2 months of being a widower. Christmas and my wife's birthday. I'm not worried about Valentine's Day because everyday she was my valentine. Christmas though was her holiday, she'd bake and cook, decorate and sing all day long. The tree would be out by now and the decorations brought up from the basement, about 3-4 storage tubs worth. That is unless we decide on a real tree. There's a tree farm about 5 miles from our home that we would go to every year. Hot apple cider, honey sticks, and an ornament every year is what we'd get in addition to the tree. They'd take your picture with it and the next year when you came back for your tree they'd give you the picture from the previous year. They display them all in there retail store on the property. It was a tradition that I enjoyed (I'm not a Christmas fan, it's lost it's meaning, become too commercial and I have some not-so-fond memories from my youth).

So what will this widower be doing for Christmas? Probably visiting the grave of his deceased spouse, making hot cocoa, sitting in front of the fireplace and watch movies all day. You see my company is so wonderful (see above) that I have to work the 24th and 26th. So I'll be at my folks the weekend before Christmas to celebrate. I'll watch the live-action version of 'The Grinch" (only holiday movie I care for) and then maybe a marathon of my guy movies!

2 weeks after Christmas is my wife's birthday.... she would have been 30 and this year we were going to have a blow-out bash. It's on a Tuesday, so I'll be at work and it'll help distract.

One good piece of news, I think I'm going to bring back my dog this weekend. I miss her, I could use some company around the house. She's BIG, hairy, and warm. I stick my feet under her when I'm cold and she's does a great job of insulating! She was a birthday gift from my wife when we rented our first house. I trained her myself and she's the most well-behaved 80 lb+ dog I've ever known.

I'm sure I'll weigh in on my weekend when I get back, until then enjoy your weekend and those left-over turkey sandwiches!

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