Friday, November 30, 2007


I have been wondering ever since this morning why I am writing so much about my life and being so open to what could at some point be an audience larger then what I'd desire. Why do I share such intimate details about my life. This is the only thing I can come up with. I lack the courage to talk about it openly with another human being.

I think that I write on this blog everything I wish I could say out loud. I have editing capabilities, and if I don't want something shared I can type it, get it out of my system and then erase it. It's hard to erase something you've said, you just can't take it back.

Here's another question I have about myself: Why do I seek loneliness, when that's the one thing I don't want? What has caused me to alienate friends? I had the opportunity last night to hang out with some friends and watch football, I declined stating that I had things to do around the house. After taking my dog for our evening walk, I sat at home and did nothing the rest of the night (outside taking down the pictures). I had wonderful plans for this weekend with "Songstress" that I was looking forward to, but I cancelled them at the last moment for no good reason. Ever since I said good-bye to my late wife, I haven't quite been the same. Walking to the patch of dirt that covers her final resting place really took a toll on me. I poured out everything that I had kept hidden from her. I told her of the developments in my life, and then I told her I'd come back some day, but I wouldn't talk with her anymore. I gave up the last remaining thread of intimacy I had with another human being. I realized that I could talk all day long to her, but she'd never respond to me. Now I have no one around, and that's all I had wanted for the last 7 months was someone to share my life with.

From the studies and journals I've read about those who have lost a spouse/loved one I can recognize that I'm reverting back a bit. From my understanding it's common. If you've noticed my previous moods and entries have been on the lighter side. I think the sudden sense of loneliness has taken over, it was like a todal wave and it caught me off guard, and now I'm feeding it everything it wants. Tomorrow I'm sure will be a better day, I'll probably feel much better about things. This back and forth really grades on my nerves, makes me feel bi-polar...... I think that is why I'm keeping everyone at arms length, it's a nasty rollercoaster ride and I don't want to make anyone sick.

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